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Connection Option Descriptions : Schema Map

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Schema Map


SchemaMap (SM)


Specifies either the name or the absolute path and name of the configuration file where the relational map of native data is written. The driver looks for this file when connecting to a Google BigQuery instance. If the file does not exist, the driver creates one.

Valid Values

is either the name or the absolute path and name (including the .config extension) of the configuration file. For example, if Schema Map is set to a value of:
*ABC, the driver either creates or looks for the configuration file ABC in the working directory of your application.
*C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\GoogleBigQuery_Schema\jsmith@defcorp.config, the driver either creates or looks for the configuration file jsmith@defcorp.config in the directory C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\GoogleBigQuery_Schema.


*When connecting to a Google BigQuery instance, the driver looks for the schema map configuration file. If the configuration file does not exist, the driver creates a schema map using the name and location you have provided. If you do not provide a name and location, the driver creates one using default values.
*The driver uses the path specified in this connection option to store additional internal files.
*You can refresh the internal files related to an existing view of your data by using the SQL extension Refresh Map. Refresh Map runs a discovery against your native data and updates your internal files accordingly.


The default value is determined by the authentication method, platform, and data source type. The following is a list of default values:
*OAuth 2.0 authentication:
*Windows platforms:
*User data source
*System data source C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\GoogleBigQuery_Schema\ClientID.config
*UNIX/Linux platforms:
is either the complete value of the client ID (if the client ID is shorter than or equal to 30 characters) or the first 15 and last 15 characters of the client ID (if the client ID is longer than 30 characters).
*Service account authentication:
*Windows platforms:
*User data source
*System data source C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Progress\DataDirect\GoogleBigQuery_Schema\ServiceAccountPrivateKey.config
*UNIX/Linux platforms:
is either the complete value of the service account private key (if the service account private key is shorter than or equal to 30 characters) or the first 15 and last 15 characters of the service account private key (if the service account private key is longer than 30 characters).


General tab

See Also

*Configuring OAuth 2.0 authentication