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Input REST file syntax : Table definition entries : POST requests

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POST requests

To use POST requests, you must define the request in the REST file in the JSON format. The definition entry is comprised of a path and body. The path contains the URL endpoint and the body used in requests, while the body defines documents and provides sample values. The driver then uses these sample values to define which data type to be used when executing a POST request.
An entry for a POST request with a parameterized or unparameterized path takes the following form for an entry defining two fields:
"<table_name>": {
"#path": "<host_name>/<endpoint_path>",
"#post": {
An entry for a POST request with query parameters takes the following form:
"<table_name>": {
"#path": "<host_name>/<endpoint_path>",
"#post": {
is the name of the relational table to which the driver maps the endpoint. For example, countries2.
(optional) is the protocol and host name components of the URL endpoint. For example, You can omit this value by specifying the host name using the ServerName property.
is the path component of the URL endpoint. For example, country. This can be an unparameterized or parameterized path, a path that uses query parameters, or an array of paths. See "Query paths" for examples and more information.
is the field name of the field=value pair. For example, START_DATE.
is the sample value the driver uses to determine the data type to use when executing a POST to that document. For example, 2018-08-31.
specifies the name of the column against which you are using query parameters.
specifies the data type mapping for the corresponding column.
specifies the property that corresponds to the query operator that you want to used to filter results. This value can be #eq, #lt, #gt, #le, #ge, #ne, or #in. See "Filtering and URI parameters" for details.
specifies the name of the URI property to be filtered by the operator.
For example, the following demonstrates an entry for a POST request using an unparameterized request.
"countries2": {
"#path": "",
"#post": {
For example, the following demonstrates an entry for a POST request using an parameterized request.
"football": {
"#path": "{team:Wildcats}",
"#post": {
For example, the following demonstrates an entry for a POST request with query parameters.
"incidents": {
"#path": "",
"#post": {