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Using the driver : Distributed transaction cleanup : Explicit transaction cleanup

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Explicit transaction cleanup

The SQL Server driver allows you to associate an identifier with a group of transactions using the XATransactionGroup connection property. When you specify a transaction group ID, all distributed transactions initiated by the connection are identified by this ID.
Setting this value causes sqljdbc.dll on the server side to maintain a list of active transactions. Distributed transactions are placed in the list of active transactions when they are started and removed from this list when they are prepared, rolled back, committed, or forgotten using the appropriate XAResource methods.
You can use the XAResource.recover method to roll back any transactions left in an unprepared state that match the transaction group ID on the connection used to call XAResource.recover. For example, if you specified XATransactionGroup=ACCT200 and called the XAResource.recover method on the same connection, any transactions left in an unprepared state with a transaction group ID of ACCT200 would be rolled back.
If an exception is generated when rolling back a transaction, the exception is written to the sqljdbc.log file, which is located in the same directory as the sqljdbc.dll file.
When using explicit transaction cleanup, distributed transactions associated with orphaned connections, and the locks held by those connections, will persist until the application explicitly invokes them. As a general rule, applications should clean up orphaned connections at startup and when the application is notified that a connection to the server was lost.