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Troubleshooting : Using Java Logging : Logging Components : Web Service Adapter Logger

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Web Service Adapter Logger



Logs the Web service calls the driver makes to the remote data source and the responses it receives from the remote data source.

Message Levels

CONFIG - Any errors or warnings detected by the Web service adapter are written at this level.
FINE - In addition to the same information logged by the CONFIG level, information about Web service calls made by the Web service adapter and responses received by the Web service adapter are written at this level. In particular, the Web service calls made to execute the query and the calls to fetch or send the data are logged. The log entries for the calls to execute the query include the Salesforce-specific query being executed. The actual data sent or fetched is not written at this level.
FINER - In addition to the same information logged by the CONFIG and FINE levels, this level provides additional information.
FINEST - In addition to the same information logged by the CONFIG, FINE, and FINER levels, data associated with the Web service calls made by the Web service adapter is written.