Note: If coding a path on Windows to the log file in a Java string, the backslash character (\) must be preceded by the Java escape character, a backslash. For example: log=(file)C:\\temp\\spy.log;logIS=yes;logTName=yes.
DataDirect Spy loads the Salesforce driver and logs all JDBC activity to the spy.log file located in the C:\temp directory (log=(file)C:\\temp\\spy.log). In addition to regular JDBC activity, the spy.log file also logs activity on InputStream and Reader objects (logIS=yes). It also includes the name of the current thread (logTName=yes).
DataDirect Spy loads the Salesforce driver and logs all JDBC activity to the spy.log file located in the /tmp directory (log=(file)/tmp/spy.log). In addition to regular JDBC activity, the spy.log file also logs activity on InputStream and Reader objects (logIS=yes). It also includes the name of the current thread (logTName=yes).