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Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting your application : Turning On and Off DataDirect Spy Logging

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Turning On and Off DataDirect Spy Logging

Once DataDirect Spy logging is enabled for a connection, you can turn on and off the logging at runtime using the setEnableLogging method in the com.ddtek.jdbc.extensions.ExtLogControl interface. When DataDirect Spy logging is enabled, all Connection objects returned to an application provide an implementation of the ExtLogControl interface.
The following code snippet shows how to turn off logging using setEnableLogging(false).
import com.ddtek.jdbc.extensions.*

// Get Database Connection
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection

((ExtLogControl) con).setEnableLogging(false);
The setEnableLogging method only turns on and off logging if DataDirect Spy logging has already been enabled for a connection; it does not set or change DataDirect Spy attributes. See "Enabling DataDirect Spy" for information about enabling and customizing DataDirect Spy logging.
If Java logging is also enabled and Java API logger levels in the properties file are set to FINER or FINEST, the driver ignores the file settings of Spy logging and logs all the logging information (Spy logs and Java logs) into the log file defined by the Java logging config settings.
For example:
If both Spy logging and Java logging are specified in the URL:
And the Java logger levels are set to FINER or FINEST:
# logger for web service adapter: use CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST = FINEST

# logger for sql engine: use CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST = FINEST

# logger for jdbc spy: use FINER or FINEST = FINEST
And Java logging argument is:
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=myfile
Then both the Spy logs and Java logs will be logged into the log file defined by the Java logging argument, which is myfile in this example.
For more information about Java logging, see "Using Java Logging."