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Supported SQL Statements and Extensions : SQL Expressions

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SQL Expressions

An expression is a combination of one or more values, operators, and SQL functions that evaluate to a value. You can use expressions in the Where, and Having of Select statements; and in the Set clauses of Update statements.
Expressions enable you to use mathematical operations as well as character string manipulation operators to form complex queries.
The Salesforce driver supports both unquoted and quoted identifiers. An unquoted identifier must start with an ASCII alpha character and can be followed by zero
Quoted identifiers must be enclosed in double quotation marks (""). A quoted identifier can contain any Unicode character including the space character. The Salesforce driver recognizes the Unicode escape sequence \uxxxx as a Unicode character. You can specify a double quotation mark in a quoted identifier by escaping it with a double quotation mark.
The maximum length of both quoted and unquoted identifiers is 128 characters.
Valid expression elements are:
*Column names
* Column Names
* Literals
* Operators
* Functions
* Conditions