1. From the Connection window menu, select Connection / Create JDBC 2.0 Statement. DataDirect Test prompts for a result set type and concurrency.
2. Complete the following fields:
a. In the resultSetType field, select TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE.
b. In the resultSetConcurrency field, select CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
c. Click Submit; then, click Close.
3. Select Statement / Execute Stmt Query.
4. Type a Select statement and click Submit. Then, click Close.
5. Select Results / Scroll Results. The Scroll Result Set window indicates that the cursor is positioned before the first row.
6. Click the Absolute, Relative, Before, First, Prev, Next, Last, and After buttons as appropriate to navigate through the result set. After each action, the Scroll Result Set window displays the data at the current position of the cursor.