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Supported SQL Statements and Extensions : Create Table : Creating a Remote Table

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Creating a Remote Table


Defines the syntax to define a column for remote tables.


CREATE TABLE table_name (column_definition [, ...] [, constraint_definition...])
specifies the name of the new remote table. The table name can be qualified by a schema name using the format schema.table. If the schema is not specified, the table is created in the current schema. See "Alter Session (EXT)" for information about changing the current schema.
specifies the definition of a column in the new table. See "Column Definition for Remote Tables" for a complete explanation.
specifies constraints on the columns of the new table. See "Constraint Definition for Remote Tables" for a complete explanation.


*Creating tables in Salesforce is not a quick operation. It can take several minutes for Salesforce to create the table and its relationships.
* Column Definition for Remote Tables
* Constraint Definition for Remote Tables
* Foreign Key Clause