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Connection Property Descriptions : ConfigOptions : AuditColumns (Configuration Option)

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AuditColumns (Configuration Option)


Determines whether the driver includes audit fields, which Salesforce adds to all objects defined in a Salesforce instance, as table columns when mapping the Salesforce data model.
The audit columns added by Salesforce are:

Valid Values

all | auditOnly | masterOnly | none


If set to all, the driver includes the all of the audit columns and the master record id column in its table definitions.
If set to auditOnly, the driver adds only the audit columns in its table definitions.
If set to masterOnly, the driver adds only the MasterRecordId column in its table definitions.
If set to none, the driver does not add the audit columns or the MasterRecordId column in its table definitions.


In a typical Salesforce instance, not all users are granted access to the Audit or MasterRecordId columns. If AuditColumns is set to a value other than none and the driver cannot include the columns requested, the connection fails and the driver generates a SQLException with a SQLState of 08001.



See also
