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Using the driver : Tracking JDBC calls with DataDirect Spy : Enabling DataDirect Spy : DataDirect Spy attributes

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DataDirect Spy attributes
DataDirect Spy supports the attributes described in the following table.
Table 10. DataDirect Spy attributes
Sets the maximum number of characters that DataDirect Spy logs on a single line.
The default is 0 (no maximum limit).
Loads the driver specified by classname.
Directs logging to the file specified by filename.
Directs logging to a file prefixed by file_prefix. The log file is named For Windows, if coding a path to the log file in a Java string, the backslash character (\) must be preceded by the Java escape character, a backslash. For example: file_prefixX.log
For Windows, if coding a path to the log file inis an integer that increments by 1 for each connection on which the prefix is specified.
For example, if the attribute log=(filePrefix) C:\\temp\\spy_ is specified on multiple connections, the following logs are created:
If coding a path to the log file in a Java string, the backslash character (\) must be preceded by the Java escape character, a backslash. For example: log=(filePrefix)C:\\temp\\spy_;logIS=yes;logTName=yes.
Directs logging to the Java output standard, System.out.
logIS={yes | no | nosingleread}
Specifies whether DataDirect Spy logs activity on InputStream and Reader objects.
When logIS=nosingleread, logging on InputStream and Reader objects is active; however, logging of the single-byte read or single-character is suppressed to prevent generating large log files that contain single-byte or single character read messages.
The default is no.
logLobs={yes | no}
Specifies whether DataDirect Spy logs activity on BLOB and CLOB objects.
logTName={yes | no}
Specifies whether DataDirect Spy logs the name of the current thread.
The default is no.
timestamp={yes | no}
Specifies whether a timestamp is included on each line of the DataDirect Spy log. The default is no.