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DataDirect tools : Connection Pool Manager : How connection pooling works : The connection pool environment

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The connection pool environment
There is a one-to-one relationship between a JDBC connection pool and a data source, so the number of connection pools used by an application depends on the number of data sources configured to use connection pooling. If multiple applications are configured to use the same data source, those applications share the same connection pool as shown in the following figure.
Image showing two applications sharing the same connection pool
An application may use only one data source, but allow multiple users, each with their own set of login credentials. The connection pool contains connections for all unique users using the same data source as shown in the following figure.
Image showing two users using the same data source
Connections are one of the following types:
*Active connection is a connection that is in use by the application.
*Idle connection is a connection in the connection pool that is available for use.