The methods in this interface are used with certain DataDirect drivers to extend the standard JDBC metadata results returned by the DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() method to include an additional column. See "DatabaseMetadata interface" for a list of drivers that support these methods.
Methods that allow your application to perform bulk load operations. These methods are supported only by drivers that support DataDirect Bulk Load. See "DDBulkLoad interface" for a list of drivers that support these methods.
Methods that allow you to perform the following actions:
Store and return client information.
Switch the user associated with a connection to another user to minimize the number of connections that are required in a connection pool.
Access the DataDirect Statement Pool Monitor from a connection.
Methods that allow your application to return client information parameters.
Methods that allow you to determine if DataDirect Spy logging is enabled and turning on and off DataDirect Spy logging if enabled.