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DataDirect tools : Connection Pool Manager : Connection Pool Manager interfaces : ConnectionPoolMonitor

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The ConnectionPoolMonitor interface is used to return information that is useful for monitoring the status of your connection pools.
ConnectionPoolMonitor Methods
String getName()
Returns the name of the connection pool associated with the monitor. The connection pool name has the form:
is the name used for the JNDI lookup of the PooledConnectionDataSource object from which the pooled connection was obtained
is the user ID used to establish the connections contained in the pool.
int getNumActive()
Returns the number of connections that have been checked out of the pool and are currently in use.
int getNumAvailable()
Returns the number of connections that are idle in the pool (available connections).
int getInitialPoolSize()
Returns the initial size of the connection pool (the number of available connections in the pool when the pool was first created).
int getMaxPoolSize()
Returns the maximum number of available connection in the connection pool. If the number of available connections exceeds this value, the Pool Manager removes one or multiple available connections from the pool.
int getMinPoolSize()
Returns the minimum number of available connections in the connection pool. When the number of available connections is lower than this value, the Pool Manager creates additional connections and makes them available.
int getPoolSize()
Returns the current size of the connection pool, which is the total of active connections and available connections.