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Reference : Connection Property Descriptions : MaxPooledStatements



Specifies the maximum number of pooled prepared statements for this connection. Setting MaxPooledStatements to an integer greater than zero (0) enables the driver’s internal prepared statement pooling, which is useful when the driver is not running from within an application server or another application that provides its own prepared statement pooling.

Valid Values

0 | x
is a positive integer that represents a number of prepared statements.


If set to 0, the driver’s internal prepared statement pooling is not enabled.
If set to x, the driver enables the DataDirect Statement Pool Monitor and uses the specified value to cache a certain number of prepared statements that are created by an application. For example, if the value of this property is set to 20, the driver caches the last 20 prepared statements that are created by the application. If the value set for this property is greater than the number of prepared statements used by the application, all prepared statements created by the application are cached. Because CallableStatement is a sub-class of PreparedStatement, CallableStatements also are cached.



Data Type



MaxStatements property

See also

*Statement Pool Monitor
*Performance Considerations