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About the Driver : Using the Driver : Using CSV Files : External Overflow Files
External Overflow Files
When you export data into a CSV file, you can choose to create one large file or multiple smaller files. For example, if you are exporting BLOB data that is a total of several GB, you may want to break the data that into multiple smaller files of 100 MB each.
If the values set by the setCharacterThreshold() or setBinaryThreshold() methods are exceeded, separate files are generated to store character or binary data, respectively. Overflow files are located in the same directory as the CSV file.
The format for overflow file names is:
CSV_file_name is the name of the CSV file.
xxxxxx is a 6-digit number that increments an overflow file.
For example, if multiple overflow files are created for a CSV file named CSV1, the file names would look like this:
If the overflow file contains character data, the code page used by the file is the code page specified in the bulk load configuration file for the CSV file.