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About the Driver : Supported Features : Batch Inserts and Updates

Batch Inserts and Updates

To execute batch operations, the driver can use either of the following batch mechanisms:
*The Amazon Redshift data warehouse native batch mechanism. The native batch mechanism returns individual update counts for each statement or parameter set in the batch as required by the JDBC 3.0 specification.
*A mechanism internal to the driver that uses a parameterized multi-row insert statement. The multi-row insert batch mechanism returns only the total number of update counts in the batch, but provides substantial performance gains when performing batch inserts. The multi-row insert batch mechanism only applies to Insert statements for batch executes called with PreparedStatement objects. If a command other than the Insert statement is used, the driver uses the native batch mechanism to execute the command. The multi-row insert batch mechanism is the default.
For more information, see BatchMechanism.