You can also use DataDirect Test™ to establish and test a DriverManager connection. The screen shots in this section were taken on a Windows system.
Take the following steps to establish a connection.
1. Navigate to the installation directory. The default location is:
Windows systems: Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\JDBC_60\testforjdbc
UNIX and Linux systems: /opt/Progress/DataDirect/JDBC_60/testforjdbc
For UNIX/Linux, if you do not have access to /opt, your home directory will be used in its place.
2. From the testforjdbc folder, run the platform-specific tool:
testforjdbc.bat (on Windows systems) (on UNIX and Linux systems)
The Test for JDBC Tool window appears:
3. Click Press Here to Continue.
The main dialog appears:
4. From the menu bar, select Connection > Connect to DB.
The Select A Database dialog appears:
5. Select the appropriate database template from the Defined Databases field.
6. In the Database field, specify the ServerName, PortNumber, and SID for your Oracle data source.
For example:
7. If you are using user ID/password authentication, enter your user ID and password in the corresponding fields.
8. Click Connect.
If the connection information is entered correctly, the JDBC/Database Output window reports that a connection has been established. (If a connection is not established, the window reports an error.)