specifies the columns from which results are to be returned by the query. See "Select Clause" for a complete explanation.
specifies one or more tables on which the other clauses in the query operate. See "From Clause" for a complete explanation.
is optional and restricts the results that are returned by the query. See "Where Clause" for a complete explanation.
is optional and allows query results to be aggregated in terms of groups. See "Group By Clause" for a complete explanation.
is optional and specifies conditions for groups of rows (for example, display only the departments that have salaries totaling more than $200,000). See "Having Clause"for a complete explanation.
is an optional operator that combines the results of the left and right Select statements into a single result. See "Union Operator" for a complete explanation.
is an optional operator that returns a single result by keeping any distinct values from the results of the left and right Select statements. See "Intersect Operator" for a complete explanation.
are synonymous optional operators that returns a single result by taking the results of the left Select statement and removing the results of the right Select statement. See "Except and Minus Operators" for a complete explanation.
is optional and sorts the results that are returned by the query. See "Order By Clause" for a complete explanation.
is optional and places an upper bound on the number of rows returned in the result. See "Limit Clause" for a complete explanation.
Note: Although the CreatedTime and UpdatedTime fields on custom objects map to the relational view, you cannot query against them unless you enable the fields within the Object Designer in the Oracle Service Cloud admin tool.