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About the Driver : Using the driver : Client-Side Caches : Refreshing Cache Data

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Refreshing Cache Data
To prevent the data in a cache from becoming out of date, the driver must periodically refresh the cache data with data from the remote data source. When the driver refreshes the cache, it discards all of the data from the cache and repopulates it with data from the remote data source. You or the application can refresh the cache manually or the driver can refresh the cache automatically.
You can refresh a cache manually at any time by using the Refresh Cache statement (see Refresh Cache (EXT) for additional information).
The driver can refresh a cache automatically by setting the refresh interval attribute when creating a cache (see Refresh Interval Clause for additional information). During each cache query, the driver checks to see whether the time elapsed since the last refresh exceeds the refresh interval for the cache. If it has, the driver refreshes the cache before satisfying the query.