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About the Driver : Using the driver : Statement Pool Monitor : Freezing and unfreezing the statement pool

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Freezing and unfreezing the statement pool
Freezing the statement pool restricts the statements in the pool to those that were in the pool at the time the pool was frozen. For example, perhaps you have a core set of statements that you do not want replaced by new statements when your core statements are closed. You can freeze the pool using the setFrozen() method:
ExtStatementPoolMonitor monitor =
   ((ExtConnection) con).getStatementPoolMonitor().setFrozen(true);
Similarly, you can use the same method to unfreeze the statement pool:
ExtStatementPoolMonitor monitor =
   ((ExtConnection) con).getStatementPoolMonitor().setFrozen(false);
When the statement pool is frozen, your application can still clear the pool and import statements into the pool. If the pool is frozen and the number of statements in the pool is the maximum, no statements can be added to the pool.
To determine if a pool is frozen, use the isFrozen() method.