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Using the driver : Data encryption : Using Oracle Wallet as a Keystore

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Using Oracle Wallet as a Keystore

The driver supports the use of Oracle Wallet as a keystore and truststore in Oracle's and IBM's Java Runtime Environment. A wallet is a password-protected container that is created using the Oracle Wallet Manager. It contains trusted certificates for authenticating the server's public certificate. The wallet may also contain client private key and associated certificates required for client authentication.
Depending on the contents of your Oracle Wallet, you must provide values for specific connection properties as described in the following scenarios:
*If a wallet contains client certificates, you must specify a value for the KeyStore connection property. If you are using a file in the PKCS#12 format, you must also specify a value for the KeyStorePassword property.
*If a wallet contains the trusted certificates and client certificates required for both server and client authentication, you must specify values for only the TrustStore connection property. If you are specifying a file in the PKCS#12 format, you must also specify a value for the TrustStorePassword property. The driver treats the truststore file as a keystore and loads client certificates required for client authentication.
Oracle Wallet is compliant with PKCS#12 and SSO formats.