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Using the driver : Using IP addresses

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Using IP addresses

The driver supports Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in IPv4 and IPv6 formats.
The server name specified in a connection URL, or data source, can resolve to an IPv4 or IPv6 address. In the following example, the server name server3 can resolve to either type of address:
Alternately, you can specify addresses using IPv4 or IPv6 format in the server portion of the connection URL. For example, the following connection URL specifies the server using an IPv4 address:
You also can specify addresses in either format using the ServerName data source property. The following example shows a data source definition that specifies the server name using an IPv6 address:
OracleDataSource mds = new OracleDataSource();
mds.setDescription("My Oracle DataSource");
Note: When specifying IPv6 addresses in a connection URL or data source property, the address must be enclosed by brackets.
In addition to the normal IPv6 format, the drivers support IPv6 alternative formats for compressed and IPv4/IPv6 combination addresses. For example, the following connection URL specifies the server using IPv6 format, but uses the compressed syntax for strings of zero bits:
Similarly, the following connection URL specifies the server using a combination of IPv4 and IPv6:
For complete information about IPv6, go to the following URL: