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Using the driver : Using connection properties : Timeout properties

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Timeout properties

The following table summarizes timeout connection properties.
Table 10. Timeout properties
Determines whether a cancel request that is sent by the driver as the result of a query timing out is subject to the same query timeout value as the statement it cancels.
If set to true, the cancel request times out using the same timeout value, in seconds, that is set for the statement it cancels. For example, if your application calls Statement.setQueryTimeout(5) on a statement and that statement is cancelled because its timeout value was exceeded, the driver sends a cancel request that also will time out if its execution exceeds 5 seconds. If the cancel request times out, because the server is down, for example, the driver throws an exception indicating that the cancel request was timed out and the connection is no longer valid.
If set to false, the cancel request does not time out.
The default is false.
Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the driver waits for a connection to be established before timing out the connection request.
If set to 0, the driver does not time out a connection request.
If set to x, the driver waits for the specified number of seconds before returning control to the application and throwing a timeout exception.
The default is 0.
Sets the default query timeout (in seconds) for all statements created by a connection.
If set to -1, the query timeout functionality is disabled.
If set to 0, the default query timeout is infinite (query does not time out).
If set to x, the driver uses the value as the default timeout for any statement that is created by the connection.
The default is 0.