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Connection property descriptions : RandomGenerator

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Specifies the type of random number generator the database uses for secure seeding. Oracle uses a random number generator for secure seeding when establishing connections. A random number generator is also used, in a separate seeding process, for Kerberos authentication. Kerberos authentication can be implemented with the AuthenticationMethod connection property.

Valid values

random | secureRandom


If set to random, a stream of pseudorandom numbers is generated for secure seeding.
If set to secureRandom, a cryptographically strong number generation algorithm is used for secure seeding. By default, the SHA1PRNG algorithm is used. However, if you are using JDK 8 or higher, you can use the SecureRandomAlgorithm connection property to designate the number generation algorithm you want to use.


*When establishing a connection with a connection string, RandomGenerator should precede the User and Password connection properties in the connection URL. When using a data source connection, RandomGenerator should be set before making calls to setUser(), setPassword(), or setNewPassword().
*SecureRandom offers more secure seeding of random numbers, and, in turn, requires additional processing. Therefore, response times for applications may be slower when compared to response times with RandomGenerator set to random. By default, the driver is set to secureRandom.
*For more information on SecureRandom seeding, refer to the API specification for your edition of Java.

Data source method




Data type


See also

*Configuring SSL Encryption
*Performance considerations