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Using the driver : Authentication : Oracle Wallet SSL authentication

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Oracle Wallet SSL authentication

The driver supports Oracle Wallet SSL authentication, which was introduced in Oracle When Oracle Wallet SSL Authentication is enabled, SSL certificates are authenticated against a list of trusted certificates stored in the wallet. Refer to the documentation for your Oracle database for detailed information on the Oracle Wallet feature.
To enable Oracle Wallet SSL authentication:
1. Enable SSL (EncryptionMethod=ssl).
2. Set the Authentication Method connection property:
*If a user ID or password is not required, set to ssl.
*If a user ID or password is required, set to sslUIDPassword.
3. Set the KeyStore property to specify the absolute path of the keystore file in your wallet that contains the SSL certificate information.
4. Optionally, if you are using a file in the PKCS#12 format, set the KeyStorePassword property to specify the password if required by your environment.
5. Set the TrustStore property to specify the absolute path of the truststore file in your wallet that contains the SSL certificate information.
6. Optionally, if you are using a file in the PKCS#12 format, set the TrustStorePassword property to specify the password if required by your environment.
7. If a user ID and password is required (AuthenticationMethod=sslUIDPassword), specify the corresponding value for the User and Password properties.
For example, for connections that do not require a user ID and password:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
For connections that require a user ID and password:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
Note: When Oracle Wallet SSO is used as the keystore or truststore, the KeyStorePassword and TrustStorePassword properties are not required.