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Using the driver : Authentication : Configuring NTLM authentication : Configuring the driver

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Configuring the driver
The product provides the following NTLM authentication DLLs:
*DDJDBCAuthxx.dll (32-bit)
*DDJDBC64Authxx.dll (Itanium 64-bit)
*DDJDBCx64Authxx.dll (AMD64 and Intel EM64T 64-bit)
where xx is a two-digit number.
The DLLs are located in the install_dir/lib directory (where install_dir is your product installation directory). If the application using NTLM authentication is running in a 32-bit JVM, the driver automatically uses DDJDBCAuthxx.dll. Similarly, if the application is running in a 64-bit JVM, the driver uses DDJDBC64Authxx.dll or DDJDBCx64Authxx.dll.
To configure the driver:
1. Set the AuthenticationMethod property to auto or ntlm. See "Using the AuthenticationMethod property" for more information about setting a value for this property.
2. By default, the driver looks for the NTLM authentication DLLs in a directory on the Windows system path defined by the PATH environment variable. If you install the driver in a directory that is not on the Windows system path, perform one of the following actions to ensure the driver can load the DLLs:
a. Add the install_dir/lib directory to the Windows system path, where install_dir is your product installation directory.
b. Copy the NTLM authentication DLLs from install_dir/lib to a directory that is on the Windows system path, where install_dir is your product installation directory.
c. Set the LoadLibraryPath property to specify the location of the NTLM authentication DLLs. For example, if you install the driver in a directory named "DataDirect" that is not on the Windows system path, you can use the LoadLibraryPath property to specify the directory containing the NTLM authentication DLLs:
3. If using NTLM authentication with a Security Manager on a Java Platform, security permissions must be granted to allow the driver to establish connections. See "Permissions for Kerberos authentication" for an example.