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Connection Property Descriptions : ConfigOptions : UppercaseIdentifiers (Configuration Option)

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UppercaseIdentifiers (Configuration Option)


Specifies whether the driver maps all identifier names to uppercase. By default, the driver maps all identifier names to uppercase.

Valid Values

true | false


If set to true, the driver maps identifiers to uppercase.
If set to false , the driver maps identifiers to the mixed case name of the object being mapped. If mixed case identifiers are used, SQL statements must enclose those identifiers in double quotes and the case of the identifier must exactly match the case of the identifier name. In addition, object names in results returned from catalog functions are returned in the case that they are stored in the database.


If UppercaseIdentifiers=false, to query the Account table you specify:
SELECT "id", "name" FROM "Account"


Do not change the value of UppercaseIdentifiers unless the data source you are connecting to has objects with names that differ only by case.



See also
