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Welcome to the Progress DataDirect for JDBC for MongoDB Driver : Requirements

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The driver is compliant with JDBC 4.0 and earlier specifications. The following table lists the product requirements for using the driver.
Table 1. Product Requirements
For Applications Using...
Product Requirements
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is Java SE 8 or higher, including Oracle JDK, OpenJDK, and IBM SDK (Java) distributions.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is Java SE 8 or higher, including Oracle JDK, OpenJDK, and IBM SDK (Java) distributions.
JSR 114 Rowsets
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is Java SE 8 or higher, including Oracle JDK, OpenJDK, and IBM SDK (Java) distributions.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is Java SE 8 or higher, including Oracle JDK, OpenJDK, and IBM SDK (Java) distributions.
Note: Standard installations of Java SE on some platforms do not include the jar file containing the extended encoding set that is required to support some of the less common database code pages. Check your Java SE installation to make sure that the charsets.jar is installed in the lib subdirectory of your Java SE installation directory. If you do not have the charsets.jar file, re-install Java SE, making sure that you install the international version of Java SE.