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Using the Driver : Statement Pooling

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Statement Pooling

Most applications have a certain set of SQL statements that are executed multiple times and a few SQL statements that are executed only once or twice during the life of the application. Similar to connection pooling, statement pooling provides performance gains for applications that execute the same SQL statements multiple times over the life of the application.
A statement pool is a group of prepared statements that can be reused by an application. If you have an application that repeatedly executes the exact same SQL statements, statement pooling can improve performance because the database server does not have to repeatedly parse and create cursors for the same statement. In addition, the associated network round trips to the database server are avoided.
The drivers have an internal prepared statement pooling mechanism, which allows you to realize the performance benefits of statement pooling when you are not running from within an application server or another application that provides its own statement pooling. You can enable this driver-based internal statement pooling with the MaxPooledStatements connection property.
The DataDirect for JDBC drivers also support the DataDirect Statement Pool Monitor. You can use the Statement Pool Monitor to load statements into and remove statements from the statement pool as well as generate information to help you troubleshoot statement pooling performance. The Statement Pool Monitor is an integrated component of the driver, and you can manage statement pooling directly with DataDirect-specific methods. In addition, the Statement Pool Monitor can be enabled as a Java Management Extensions (JMX) MBean. When enabled as a JMX MBean, the Statement Pool Monitor can be used to manage statement pooling with standard JMX API calls, and it can easily be used by JMX-compliant tools, such as JConsole. To enable the Statement Pool Monitor as a JMX MBean, you must register the Statement Pool Monitor MBean with the RegisterStatementPoolMonitorMBean connection property.
For more information, refer to Statement Pool Monitor in the Progress DataDirect for JDBC Drivers Reference.