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Using the Driver : Performance considerations

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Performance considerations

InsensitiveResultSetBufferSize: To improve performance when using scroll-insensitive result sets, the driver can cache the result set data in memory instead of writing it to disk. By default, the driver caches 2 MB of insensitive result set data in memory and writes any remaining result set data to disk. Performance can be improved by increasing the amount of memory used by the driver before writing data to disk or by forcing the driver to never write insensitive result set data to disk. The maximum cache size setting is 2 GB.
FetchSize/WSFetchSize: The connection options FetchSize and WSFetchSize can be used to adjust the trade-off between throughput and response time. In general, setting larger values for WSFetchSize and FetchSize will improve throughput, but can reduce response time.
For example, if an application attempts to fetch 100,000 rows from the remote data source and WSFetchSize is set to 500, the driver must make 200 Web service calls to get the 100,000 rows. If, however, WSFetchSize is set to 1000 (the maximum), the driver only needs to make 100 Web service calls to retrieve 100,000 rows. Web service calls are expensive, so generally, minimizing Web service calls increases throughput.
For many applications, throughput is the primary performance measure, but for interactive applications, such as Web applications, response time (how fast the first set of data is returned) is more important than throughput. For example, suppose that you have a Web application that displays data 50 rows to a page and that, on average, you view three or four pages. Response time can be improved by setting FetchSize to 50 (the number of rows displayed on a page) and WSFetchSize to 200. With these settings, the driver fetches all of the rows from the remote data source that you would typically view in a single Web service call and only processes the rows needed to display the first page.
Note that the values specified for the WSFetchSize and FetchSize properties provide only a suggestion as to the number of rows to be processed. Jira will not exceed these values, but it will adjust page sizes to balance throughput amongst all its users. This behavior can result in different page sizes for successive queries.
ReadAhead: The ReadAhead property allows you to issue multiple fetch requests in parallel. By increasing this number, you can improve throughput and performance, but it does so with the following restrictions:
*Larger values can increase the load on the server, which may adversely affect performance of other users. If you encounter issues, decrease the value specified for this option.
*Larger values may result in unnecessary requests if your application only requires the first few rows of results. This may be an issue if your service places limits on the number of web requests.
Caution: Due to potential impacts to other users, we strongly recommend specifying only smaller values for the ReadAhead property. For example, in fully optimized environments, which include exceptionally fast connections and low latency, we recommend a setting of no higher than 5. For typical environments, this value is sometimes lower.
WSPoolSize: WSPoolSize determines the maximum number of sessions the driver uses when there are multiple active connections. By increasing this number, you increase the number of sessions the driver uses to distribute calls to the Jira service, thereby improving throughput and performance. For example, if WSPoolSize is set to 1, and you have two open connections, the session must complete a call from one connection before it can begin processing a call from the other connection. However, if WSPoolSize is equal to 2, a second session is opened that allows calls from both connections to be processed simultaneously.
Note: The number specified for WSPoolSize should not exceed the amount of sessions permitted by your Jira service.