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Using the Driver : Enabling Debug Record Mode

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Enabling Debug Record Mode

The driver supports a debug record mode that provides a method for troubleshooting issues that occur when accessing data from a Jira service. When Debug Record Mode is enabled, the driver captures and records server requests and responses to a set of files stored in a designated location. Technical Support can then use these files to analyze and reproduce the issue without requiring access to your private data source.
To generate debug record files:
1. Using the DebugRecord property, specify the location where the driver will generate the files used to record server requests and responses.
2. Start the JDBC application and reproduce the issue.
3. Stop the application.
The driver generates a set of files containing the server requests and responses that occurred during the session. After generating the debug files, you can remove the location specified for the DebugRecord property. If you do not remove this value, the driver will overwrite debug files in the specified location the next time you start the application.
Contact Technical Support for assistance analyzing the files and reproducing the issue.
Important: Debug record files may capture security-related headers, such as auth or token headers. Before sending Technical Support debug files, review the content to remove any confidential information that may have been recorded.