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Using the driver : Using connection properties : Required properties

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Required properties

The following tables summarize connection properties required to connect to a database for a single server and Apache ZooKeeper connection. On the "Required Properties for Single-Server Connections" table, the first section describes options required for both binary (TCP) mode and HTTP modes, while the second documents additional options required to establish an HTTP connection.
Table 4. Required Properties for Single-Server Connections
Required properties for all connections
Specifies the name of the database. The database must exist, or the connection attempt will fail.
The TCP port of the primary database server that is listening for connections to the database.
The default is 10000 in binary mode and 10001 in HTTP mode.
Specifies either the IP address or the server name (if your network supports named servers) of the primary database server.
Additional properties required for enabling HTTP mode
Specifies the path of the HTTP/HTTPS endpoint used for connections when HTTP mode is enabled (TransportMode=http).
The default is cliservice.
Specifies whether binary (TCP) mode or HTTP mode is used to access Apache Hive data sources.
If set to binary, Thrift RPC requests are sent to directly to data sources using a binary connection (TCP mode).
If set to http, Thrift RPC requests are sent using HTTP transport (HTTP mode). HTTP mode is typically used when connecting to a reverse-proxy server, such as a gateway, for improved security, or a load balancer.
Note: To configure the driver to use HTTPS end points, set TransportMode=http and EncryptionMethod=SSL.
The default is binary.
Table 5. Required Properties for Apache ZooKeeper Connections
Specifies the name of the database. The database must exist, or the connection attempt will fail.
Specifies a list of member servers of the ZooKeeper ensemble to which you want to connect. This value takes the following form:
server_name:port_number[, ...]
For example:
Determines whether the driver uses Apache ZooKeeper when connecting to a database server.
If set to false (Disabled), the driver does not use ZooKeeper when connecting to a database server. By default, the driver's behavior is determined by the connection property settings.
If set to true (Enabled), the driver attempts to connect to the member servers of a ZooKeeper ensemble that are specified by the ServerName connection property. At connection, the driver retrieves configuration information from the ZooKeeper service that determines the behavior of the driver for the connection. The retrieved configuration information takes precedent over any values specified using connection properties. For additional information, see "Apache ZooKeeper."
The default is false.
Specifies the name of the Apache ZooKeeper name space from which you want to retrieve configuration information. The driver uses this information to determine its behavior for the connection. Settings retrieved from the service take precedent over connection property settings. For a list of affected properties, see "Apache ZooKeeper."