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Welcome to the Progress DataDirect for JDBC for Apache Cassandra Driver : What's New in this Release?

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What's New in this Release?

Changes since 6.0.0 Release

*Driver Enhancements
*The driver has been enhanced to support all the data consistency levels for read and write operations that are supported by Apache Cassandra data stores. Data consistency levels are configured using the ReadConsistency and WriteConsistency connection properties. For additional information, see ReadConsistency and WriteConsistency.
*The driver has been enhanced to support SSL, incorporating the addition of eight new connection properties. See Data Encryption and Data Encryption Properties for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support Kerberos authentication. See Authentication and Authentication Properties for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to support Cassandra's tunable consistency functionality with the ReadConsistency and WriteConsistency connection properties. See ReadConsistency and WriteConsistency for details.
*The driver has been enhanced to improve the handling of large result sets and reduce the likelihood of out-of-memory errors through the introduction of the FetchSize, NativeFetchSize, and ResultMemorySize connection properties. See FetchSize, NativeFetchSize, and WriteConsistency for details.
*Changed Behavior
*The SchemaDefinition connection property has been replaced with the SchemaMap connection property. See SchemaMap for details.

Highlights of the 6.0.0 Release

*Supports SQL read-write access to DataStax Enterprise 4.6 or higher and Apache Cassandra 2.0 or higher. See Supported SQL Functionality for details.
*Supports JDBC core functions. See JDBC support for details.
*Supports user id/password authentication. See Authentication for details.
*Supports Cassandra data types, including the complex types Tuple, user-defined types, Map, List and Set. See Data Types for details.
*Generates a relational view of Cassandra data. Tuple and user-defined types are flattened into a relational parent table, while collection types are mapped as relational child tables. See Complex Type Normalization for details.
*Supports Native and Refresh escape sequences to embed CQL commands in SQL-92 statements. See Native and Refresh Escape Sequences for details.
*Supports Cassandra's tunable consistency functionality with ReadConsistency and WriteConsistency connection properties.
*Supports the handling of large result sets with FetchSize, NativeFetchSize, and ResultMemorySize connection properties.
*Includes the TransactionMode connection property which allows you to configure the driver to report that it supports transactions, even though Cassandra does not support transactions. This provides a workaround for applications that do not operate with a driver that reports transactions are not supported.
*Supports Binary Large Objects (BLOBs). See Large Object (LOB) Support for details.
*Supports connection pooling. See Connection Pool Manager for details.
*Supports statement pooling. See Statement Pool Monitor for details.
*Includes the LoginTimeout connection property which allows you to specify how long the driver waits for a connection to be established before timing out the connection request.