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Using the driver : Configuring the relational map : Using the input REST file method

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Using the input REST file method

The input REST file method allows you to access data from one or more endpoints, define POST requests, and configure additional customizations supported by the input REST file.
To configure the driver to using the input REST file property method:
*Set the Config property to specify the name and location of the input REST file used to define your endpoints for sampling. For example, C:/path/to/
*Optionally, if you want to store the relational map in a resolved REST file, set the CreateMap property to either of the following values:
*forceNew: The driver deletes the current REST file, internal configuration files, and relational map in the location specified by the SchemaMap property and creates a new set at the same location.
*notExist: The driver uses the current REST file, internal files, and relational map in the location specified by the SchemaMap property. If the files do not exist, the driver creates them.
Note that if no value is specified for CreateMap, the driver defaults to using internal memory to store the map (CreateMap=session).
*Optionally, if you are storing the relational map to a REST file (CreateMap=forceNew | notExist) , you can set the SchemaMap property to specify the location to generation the REST and internal driver files. The default location depends on your platform:
For Windows:
For UNIX/Linux:
*Optionally, set the values for any required authentication properties. See "Authentication" for details.
For example, the following connection string demonstrates the minimum connection properties to configure the input REST file property method:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection