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Input REST file syntax : Table definition entries : Column names

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Column names

The column name specified in a table definition can be the element name of the JSON response or a regular expression matching an element in the JSON response.
Regular expressions (Java Regex)
When specifying a regular expression, the name should begin with a tilde (~). For example, if you had a parameter that returned a JSON field as Time Series (Daily) or Weekly Time Series, you could specify a regular expression ~.*Time Series.* for the column name. This would cause the column to be reported as TIMESERIES, regardless of the contents of the field. For more information on Java Regex syntax, refer to the Java documentation.
You can also specify alias column names by specifying the alias name in angle brackets (< >) after the column name. This is useful if the generated column name is confusing or lacks a real world context. For example:
"userfield73<casenumber>": "varchar(10)"