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Administering Hybrid Data Pipeline : Tenant architectures : Single-tenant environment : Using the Web UI to set up a single-tenant environment

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Using the Web UI to set up a single-tenant environment
The following steps show how you can set up a single-tenant environment using the Web UI.
Note: It is assumed that users and features will be managed from the default system tenant. Therefore, there is no step to create a child tenant.
1. Create administrator roles.
a. Navigate to the Manage Roles view by clicking the manage roles icon .
b. Click + New Role.
c. Provide a name and description for the role.
d. Select permissions to define the role.
e. Click Save.
2. Create administrator users.
a. Navigate to the Manage Users view by clicking the manage users icon .
b. Click + New User.
c. Define the user with settings under each of the following tabs.
*Under the General tab, enter a user name and assign the role you have created for the user.
*Under the Authentication Setup tab, configure authentication settings.
*Under the Limits tab, configure limits as desired. Note that user limits override system limits.
*Under the Tenant Admin Access tab, grant the user administrative access to the system tenant.
d. Click Save.
3. Set system configurations.
a. Navigate to the System Configurations view by clicking the system configurations icon .
b. Configure options as desired. See System Configurations view for option descriptions.
c. Click Save.
4. Set limits.
a. Navigate to the Manage Limits view by clicking the manage limits icon .
b. Set limits as desired. See Manage Limits view for limit descriptions.
c. Click Save.