Valid Values
The ID of the configurations attribute being returned.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
1 is the ID for setting the delimiter for an authentication service.
2 is the ID for secureChangePassword.
3 is the ID for setting the default OData version for new data sources.
4 is the ID for setting the default entity name mode for OData V4 data sources.
5 is the ID for enabling or disabling third party JDBC data store plugin feature.
6 is the ID for enabling or disabling the default Password Policy.
7 is the ID to configure how the system persists system monitor details.
8 is the ID to configure the IP whitelist filtering feature.
Valid Values
The value of the configurations attribute.
Valid values vary depending on the attribute.
For an authentication delimiter (1), a string can be specified. It is recommended to set a single character that is not generally used in a service name. (for example, ":" or "|"). By default, the value is null.
For secureChangePassword (2), true is specified to require the user to specify a current password as well as a new password. False is specified to require only a new password.
For default OData version for new data sources (3), valid values are 2 or 4.
For default entity mode for OData V4 sources (4), valid values are: GUESS, PLURALIZE, SINGULARIZE and SUFFIX".
For Enable JDBC data store (5), valid values are true and false. When value is set to true, JDBC data store will be enabled.
For default password policy (6), valid values are: 1 or -1. Value of 1 enforces that the password be in compliant with the default password policy. A value of -1 turns off the Password Policy enforcement. Note that any other value will be treated as -1.
For System monitor details persistance (7), valid values are: 0 - no persistence, 1 - log, 2 - database, 3 - log and database. By default, the values is 1.
For IP whitelist filtering (8), valid values are "true" and "false". By default, the value is "true".