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Configuring Hybrid Data Pipeline Driver for ODBC : Application considerations : Supported ODBC API functions

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Supported ODBC API functions

The Hybrid Data Pipeline for ODBC driver is Level 1 compliant; that is, it supports the Core and Level 1 ODBC conformance levels. It also supports a limited set of Level 2 functions, as described in the following tables.
Table 135. Function Conformance for ODBC 2.x Applications
Core Functions
Level 1 Functions
Level 2 Functions
*SQLExtendedFetch (forward scrolling only)
The functions that the driver supports for ODBC 3.x are listed in the following table. Any additions to these supported functions or differences in the support of specific functions are listed in ODBC conformance level .
Table 136. Function Conformance for ODBC 3.x Applications
*SQLFetchScroll (forward scrolling only)
* SQLCancel