Hybrid Data Pipeline reports errors to the calling application by returning SQL exceptions. The message indicates which component generated the error.
The following components can report errors:
Hybrid Data Pipeline Driver forJDBC - [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid Driver] Example: [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid Driver][Service]Object has been closed
Hybrid Data Pipeline connectivity service - [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid Driver][Service] Example: [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid Driver][Service]Invalid user ID or password.
Hybrid Data Pipeline data store - [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid Driver][data_store] Example: [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid Driver][Salesforce]Column not found: FOO in statement [SELECT foo FROM Account].
You may need to check the last JDBC call your application made and refer to the JDBC specification for the recommended action.
When a JDBC call fails it throws a SQLException. Calling getMessage or toString on the SQLException will return these messages. For example:
try {
rs = stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT * FROM foobar");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println (e.toString ());
System.out.println (e.getMessage ());
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: [DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid driver][Salesforce]Table not
found in statement [SELECT * FROM foobar]
[DataDirect][JDBC Hybrid driver][Salesforce]Table not found in statement [SELECT * FROM