specifies the columns from which results are to be returned by the query. See Select Clause for a complete explanation.
specifies one or more tables on which the other clauses in the query operate. See From Clause for a complete explanation.
is optional and restricts the results that are returned by the query. See Where Clause for a complete explanation.
is optional and allows query results to be aggregated in terms of groups. See Group By Clause for a complete explanation.
is optional and specifies conditions for groups of rows (for example, display only the departments that have salaries totaling more than $200,000). See Having Clause for a complete explanation.
is an optional operator that combines the results of the left and right Select statements into a single result. See Union Operator for a complete explanation.
is an optional operator that returns a single result by keeping any distinct values from the results of the left and right Select statements. See Intersect Operator for a complete explanation.
are synonymous optional operators that returns a single result by taking the results of the left Select statement and removing the results of the right Select statement. See Except and Minus Operators for a complete explanation.
is optional and sorts the results that are returned by the query. See Order By Clause for a complete explanation.
is optional and places an upper bound on the number of rows returned in the result. See Limit Clause for a complete explanation.