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Hybrid Data Pipeline API reference : Management API : Connector API : Replace the List of On-Premises Connectors in an On-Premises Connector Group

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Replace the List of On-Premises Connectors in an On-Premises Connector Group


Replaces the current set of members of the group with the set of members specified in the request payload.





URL Parameters

<myserver> is the hostname or IP address of the machine hosting the Hybrid Data Pipeline server for a standalone installation, or the machine hosting the load balancer for a load balancer installation. For a standalone installation, <port> is the port number specified as the Server Access Port during installation. For a load balancer installation, <port> must be either 80 for http or 443 for https. Whenever port 80 or 443 are used, it is not necessary to include the port number in the URL.
<connector-ID> is a unique value associated with the group On-Premises Connector. The value is returned using the <base>/connectors/ GET request. The authorized user must be the owner of the group On-Premises Connector specified.

Payload Parameters

Data Type
Valid Values
members [memberID,sequence,weight ]
Array [String,int,int]
Specifies the connector ID of each On-Premise Connector in the group, the sequence in which each On-Premise Connector will be tried, and the weight to be applied to the connector.
memberID is the Connector ID of the On-Premises Connector. It must not be the Connector ID of an On-Premises Connector Group. Nested groups are not supported.
sequence, for non-load-balanced connector groups, is the relative order in which the On-Premise Connector is tried. The value of the sequence property for each member object must be unique. Duplicate sequence values are not supported and will generate an error response.
weight, for load-balanced connector groups, sets the load for each Connector, with a higher number indicating the relative load directed to the given Connector. For example, if a load-balanced connector group contains connectors A, B and C with weights of 3, 2 and 1 respectively, then for every 6 connections three would go to A, two to B and 1 to C. Moreover, weights do not have to be relative to 1. Rather, they are relative to the other weights in the group. For example, if a group has three connectors with weights 3, 3 and 4, then thirty percent of the requests will go to the first connector, thirty percent will go to the second connector, and forty percent will go to the third connector. The default value is 1.
Note: weight is optional. For non-load-balanced connector groups, weight is ignored.

Sample Request Payload

The groups list of On-Premises Connectors is replaced with the following list of three connectors.

"memberID": "00000000-0000-0000-0044-000000000040",
"sequence": 1,
"weight": 2
"memberID": "00021111-0011-0011-0055-000000555500",
"sequence": 2,
"weight": 3
"memberID": "00061616-0011-0011-0063-000000363600",
"sequence": 3,
"weight": 1
This request replaces the groups list of On-Premises Connectors with the following list of two connectors. The net effect of this request is that it removes the second On-Premises Connector and adjusts the sequence of the next member On-Premises Connector.
"memberID": "00000000-0000-0000-0044-000000000040",
"sequence": 1,
"weight": 2
"memberID": "00061616-0011-0011-0063-000000363600",
"sequence": 2,
"weight": 1

Response Definition

The response has the following format:

<"memberID">: <"memberID">,
<"sequence">: <sequence>,
<"weight">: <weight>
<"memberID">: <"memberID">,
<"sequence">: <sequence>,
<"weight">: <weight>
<"memberID">: <"memberID">,
<"sequence">: <sequence>,
<"weight">: <weight>

Sample Response Payload

After sending in the payload, on success, the owner of the group connector receives a response with the following information.

"members": [
"memberID": "00000000-0000-0000-0044-000000000040",
"sequence": 1,
"weight": 1
"memberID": "00061616-0011-0011-0063-000000363600",
"sequence": 2,
"weight": 2


Basic Authentication using Login ID and Password.


Any active Hybrid Data Pipeline user