Valid Values
The ID of the user account to which the data sources belong.
The ID is auto-generated when the user account is created and cannot be changed.
Valid Values
The ID of the data source.
The data source ID is auto-generated when the data source is created and cannot be changed.
The name of the data source.
The maximum length is 128 characters.
Indicates whether the data source is a group data source.
true | false
true if the data source is a group data source.
false if the data source is not a group data source.
A list of limits that have been set on the data source. Includes the "id" and "value" properties where the "id" is the ID of the limit, and "value" is the value of the limit.
MaxRowFetchSize (1) and ODataMaxConcurrentQueries (6) are the only limits that can be set on a data source.