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Administering Hybrid Data Pipeline : Troubleshooting : Extracting schema files for non-relational data sources

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Extracting schema files for non-relational data sources

In addition to providing connectivity to relational databases, Hybrid Data Pipeline offers connectivity to non-relational data stores, such as Salesforce and Oracle Service Cloud web services, that expose an object model. When creating a data source on a non-relational data store, Hybrid Data Pipeline generates map files that expose objects and fields as tables and columns. These map files can be used to develop SQL statements, better understand native metadata, and resolve issues in a given application environment. The Driver Files API can be used to obtain these map files.
Users can execute a GET operation on the following endpoints to obtain the files involved in the relational mapping of the object model.
Note: To use these endpoints, the user must have either the Administrator (12) permission, or the MgmtAPI (11) permission and ViewDataSource (2) permission on the applicable data source.
When executing a GET operation on the /export/driverfiles endpoint, the response file is streamed to the users, who can download all the artifacts as a zip file. When executing a GET operation on the /export/driverfiles/config and /export/driverfiles/native endpoints, the entire file is returned as an XML response.