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Hybrid Data Pipeline API reference : Management API : Data Sources API : Get data stores : connectionType-details Object

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connectionType-details Object


Describes the connectionType details information for a data store. The connectionType-details object defines the list of options that can be specified when creating a data source for the data store type. The options in the list can be grouped into categories. A category is a group of options that are related in some way. For example, a Security category may group together options such as Encryption Method or TLS/SSL Protocol Version.
The dataStores value is an array of datastore-info objects for all of the available data stores. Each successful response has only one dataStores element.


"name": <connectionType-name>,
"category": [
"name": <category-name>,
"options": [{option-definition)]

connectionType-details Descriptions

The connectionType name. Currently, the name must be either Cloud or Hybrid.
An array of one or more category definition objects. A category is a group of options for a data store that are loosely related to each other. The Hybrid Data Pipeline web interface displays each category of options on a separate tab in its data source dialogs.
A category-definition object has the format:

"name": <category-name>,
"options": [


Related topics

*Get data stores
*category-definition Object
*option-definition Object
*choice-definition Object