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Configuring Hybrid Data Pipeline for JDBC : Testing your application : Configuring DataDirect Test

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Configuring DataDirect Test

The default DataDirect Test configuration file is:
is your product installation directory.
You can edit the DataDirect Test configuration file for your environment using a text editor. All parameters are configurable, but the most commonly configured parameters are listed here:
is a list of colon-separated JDBC driver classes.
is com.ddtek.jdbc.ddhybrid.DDHybridDriver.
is a list of comma-separated JDBC URLs. The first item in the list appears as the default in the database selection window. You can use one of these URLs as a template when you make a JDBC connection.
is com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory if you are using file system data sources, or com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory if you are using LDAP.
depends on whether you are using file system data sources or using LDAP. If you are using file system data sources, specify the location of the .bindings file. If you are using LDAP, specify your LDAP Provider URL.
is a list of comma-separated JDBC data sources. The first item in the list appears as the default in the data source selection window.
To connect using a data source, DataDirect Test needs to access a JNDI data store to persist the data source information. By default, DataDirect Test is configured to use the JNDI File System Service Provider to persist the data source. To download the JNDI File System Service Provider, go to:
Make sure that the fscontext.jar and providerutil.jar files from the download are on your classpath.