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Configuring Hybrid Data Pipeline Driver for ODBC : Configuring an ODBC data source on UNIX and Linux systems : Configuring a data source in the system information file

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Configuring a data source in the system information file

To configure a data source in UNIX and Linux environments, you must edit the system information file to which the ODBCINI variable points.
You can use the odbc.ini file installed with the driver as a template for the system information file. Using a text editor, modify the default attributes in this file as necessary, based on your system values (for example, your server name and port number).
To use Hybrid Data Pipeline with an ODBC application, you need to configure an ODBC data source that connects to a Hybrid Data Pipeline data source. The following table describes how the entries in the ODBC data source map to a Hybrid Data Pipeline data source.
Table 128. ODBC parameters for connecting to a Hybrid Data Pipeline data source
ODBC data source parameters
The name of the Hybrid Data Pipeline data source to which the ODBC data source will connect.
The user name for your Hybrid Data Pipeline account.
ODBC Data Source
A unique name for the ODBC data source. Specified in the [ODBC Data Sources] section of the system file, for example, DataDirect HDP=MyHDPDataSource.
If the credentials of a database or data store (such as Oracle Database or Salesforce) are not stored in the Hybrid Data Pipeline data source, provide the database or data store password.
If the credentials of a database or data store (such as Oracle Database or Salesforce) are not stored in the Hybrid Data Pipeline data source, provide the database or data store user name.
The password for your Hybrid Data Pipeline account.
The method the driver uses to encrypt data sent between the driver and the Hybrid Data Pipeline server.
The port number on which the Hybrid Data Pipeline service is listening. The default value is 8080.
The DNS name of the machine where Hybrid Data Pipeline is installed.
See Connecting applications to the connectivity service for information on how to configure your application to use an ODBC data source.
* Sample odbc.ini file