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Welcome to DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline : Deployment scenarios : External JRE support and integration : Configure the server to use the external JRE

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Configure the server to use the external JRE
Once you have modified the external JRE, you can configure the server to use the external JRE by performing an upgrade installation of the server. During the upgrade, you will be prompted specify whether you are using the embedded JRE or an external JRE. If you select external JRE, you must specify the path to the external JRE.
Note: For complete upgrade instructions, refer to the Progress DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline Installation Guide.
If you are using a response file to perform a silent upgrade, best practices recommend that you use the installation program to generate the response file. However, you may opt to edit the response file manually. If editing the response file manually, you must add Java configuration options to the response file. The options and values depend on whether the response file is based on the GUI installation template or the console mode installation template.
GUI mode
#Java Configuration#
SPECIFY_JAVA_HOME_NO indicates whether you are using an external JRE. If you are using an external JRE, specify 0.
SPECIFY_JAVA_HOME_YES indicates whether you are using an external JRE. If you are using an external JRE, specify 1.
HDP_JAVA_HOME_DIR specifies the path to the external JRE to be used at runtime.
Console mode
#Java Configuration#
Important: The escape characters, as shown in this example, are required for a response file based on the console mode template.
SPECIFY_JAVA_HOME_YESNO indicates whether you are using an external JRE. If you are using an external JRE, specify Yes.
HDP_JAVA_HOME_DIR_CONSOLE specifies the path to the external JRE to be used at runtime.
What to do next:
If integrating the external JRE with the On-Premises Connector, configure the connector to use the JRE.