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Hybrid Data Pipeline API reference : Hybrid Data Pipeline API Error Messages : OAuth API error messages

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OAuth API error messages

This section describes error messages you may receive from the OAuth API. Each error message is followed by a possible cause and recommended actions, if applicable.
Table 222. Error Messages for the OAuthAPI
Error Code
Problem creating an OAuthProfile at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem deleting an OAuthProfile at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem getting OAuthProfiles at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem getting an OAuthProfile at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem updating an OAuthProfile at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem creating an OAuthApplication at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem deleting an OAuthApplication at this time. Please try again at another time.
Cause: The OAuthApplication couldn't be deleted at this time.
Action: Try again later.
Problem getting OAuthApplications at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem getting an OAuthApplication at this time. Please try again at another time.
Problem updating an OAuthApplication at this time. Please try again at another time.
Invalid OAuthProfileId: {0}.
Cause: The OAuthProfileId parameter is missing, or no value was defined.
Action: Check the payload. Add the OAuthProfileId parameter with a valid value.
Invalid OAuthApplicationId: {0}.
Cause: The specified OAuthApplicationId is invalid.
Action: Check the OAuthApplicationId.
Missing 'name' from payload.
Cause: The name parameter for the OAuthApplication is required, but none was specified.
Action: Add a value for name, that is, the name of the OAuthApplication. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and the underscore character.
Missing 'dataStore' from payload.
Cause: The dataStore parameter is required, but none was specified.
Action: Add a value for dataStore, that is, the name of the dataStore. The dataStore ID can be obtained from the <base>/datastores resource.
Missing 'oauthAppId' from payload.
Cause: The oauthAppId parameter is required, but none was specified.
Action: Add a value for oauthAppId. This property is generated by Hybrid Data Pipeline and cannot be changed once assigned. The ID is used to identify the data source type in data source references.
Missing 'refreshToken' from payload.
Cause: The refreshToken was not specified.
Action: Check the refreshToken specified in in the payload.
Missing 'clientId' from payload.
Cause: The clientId parameter is not in the payload.
Action: The clientId parameter is required. Visit the Google Developers Console to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials that are known to both Google and your application.
Missing 'clientSecret' from payload.
Cause: The clientSecret parameter is not in the payload.
Action: The clientSecret parameter is required. Visit the Google Developers Console to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials that are known to both Google and your application.
Problem validating the OAuthApplication at this time. Please try again at another time.
OAuthProfile name must be unique for a given OAuthApplication.
Cause: OAuthProfile name must be unique for a given OAuthApplication..
Action: Use a different OAuthProfile name.
That OAuthApplication Name is invalid. Please choose another name.
Cause: The specified OAuthApplication Name is invalid.
Action: Choose another name. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and the underscore character.
You cannot change the DataStore of a OAuthApplication.
Cause:The dataStore value cannot be changed.
Action: Create a new OAuthApplication for the data store, that is, the data source type, that you want to use.
Problem getting the OAuthProfile Statistics at this time. Please try again at another time.
DataStore {0} does not support OAuth.
Cause: The dataStore parameter specified a data store that does not support OAuth.
Action: Check with your database administrator.

HTTP Response Codes Returned by the Hybrid Data Pipeline Management Data Sources API

Hybrid Data Pipeline Management Data Sources API returns standard HTTP response codes as described in the following table, under the conditions listed in the description. The descriptions differ somewhat from the general description found earlier in this document.
Table 223. HTTP Error Messages for the Data Sources API
Error Code
The request was successfully completed. If this request created a new resource that is addressable with a URI, and a response body is returned containing a representation of the new resource, a 200 status will be returned with a location header containing the canonical URI for the newly created resource.
A request that created a new resource was completed and no response body containing a representation of the new resource is being returned. A location header containing the canonical URI for the newly created resource will be returned.
Bad Request
The JSON request is invalid.
Not Authorized
The user is not authorized. An invalid user name and/or password was used.
Not Found
The <DataSource> was not found, where <resource_type> is DataSource.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Not Implemented
The server currently does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.