Filter roles by tenant
Administrative access to multiple tenants
Web UI (8)
ViewRole (18)
An administrator with administrative access to multiple tenants will have the option of selecting the tenant for which he or she wants to view or manage roles. Select the tenant for which you want to view roles from the Select Tenant dropdown.
Create a new role
Administrative access for the tenant
Web UI (8)
CreateRole (17)
ViewRole (18)
To create a new role, click + New Role. Provide a name and description for the new role. Then, select permissions to define the role.
Edit a role
Administrative access for the tenant
WebUI (8)
ViewRole (18)
ModifyRole (19)
To edit a role, select the role from the list of roles. Then, select Edit from the Actions dropdown. Edit the role as desired.
Delete a role
Administrative access for the tenant
WebUI (8)
ViewRole (18)
DeleteRole (20)
To delete a role, select the role you want to delete. Then, select Delete from the Actions dropdown. Confirm or cancel the delete operation in the dialog.